A great many seminars are nothing more than a product pitch, or pitch-fest as they are commonly referred to. I've spoken to people who simply will not attend for that reason only. Never again should you need to wonder about what to look for when you attend a Day Trading seminar. Here are seven pointers worth considering before you attend. It's very easy to get lured into spending precious time at a seminar, only to come away with an awful feeling of it not being worth your while.
1. If the seminar is going to cost you money, then the chances are that you should get a reasonable amount of information for your outlay. A golden rule is, that just like the rules of placing a trade anywhere, you should never spend more than five percent of your trading budget on a seminar.
2. The cost of the seminar is not always indicative of the quality of the information, or tutelage you will receive. If you can, check out online for any reviews from previous attendees.
3. What you will likely find in a free seminar is that there will be a product pitch at the end. Your host will be making the most of the seminar as a pitch-festival for their products, as well as what they earn from trading.
4. Always ask to see proof of their successful trading. If they cannot or will not, view this with suspicion. Your host should at least be able to prove that his or her product works
5. Do not be fobbed off, or get suckered into stories of their family, or a recent holiday, for instance. It is all padding, and a waste of your time. One seminar I went to was padded out for twenty minutes with a story of how the host and his wife met, their children and so on. All very nice, but that was not going to help anyone with their trading.
6. If you can, check out the number of attendees there will be, as the less there are, the more attention you will receive.
7. They should provide contact details so it is always a good idea to find out a little about the seminar first, particularly if you are paying for it. Also, you could ask the organisers if they supply note-taking materials. If not, do not forget you own!
That list will prepare you for enjoying and getting the most from your seminar. Do not forget to arrange your travelling and accommodation well in advance too. Arrive early rather than late.
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